Our roles and assignments

Make travel happen!

Our core business is to make travel possible for passengers, and for those who agree to transport them. Faithful to our commitments, we are passionate about keeping the airport’s invisible wheels turning so travellers can get off the ground. 

From a wider perspective, we also run a whole economic, industrial and human ecosystem, turning Bordeaux Airport into a city within a city which serves the urban area and the wider region.


  • Preventing and managing risks through the sovereign safety and security responsibilities we share with the French state.
  • Monitoring and supporting stakeholders in our environmental objectives.


  • Operating the airport facilities for the benefit of transport operators and travellers.
  • Maintaining and modernising infrastructure and its associated equipment.

Add value

  • Developing the air travel network, as well as our economic and commercial activities and the services we offer.
  • Encouraging the movement of people through the economic area around the airport.