Flights and destinations

Looking for travel ideas, flights or airline information? Need to book flight tickets from Bordeaux airport ? Then you are in the right place.

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Questions / Answers

Can I use the airline name to find out in advance which terminal I need to get to?

Each airline flies out of a pre-set terminal. You can find these details on the airline page.

Does my airline offer an unaccompanied minors service?

Not all airlines offer this. To find out, check each company's dedicated page.

I would like real-time information on my flight. Where do I go?

Head over to our Today's Arrivals and Departures page for live flight information. In the event of air traffic disruption (snow, strikes, etc.), we recommend you contact the relevant airline directly.

Are there any specialist travel agencies and tour operators out there?

Yes, some tourism professionals do specialise in a particular sector. Travel agencies aim to offer their clients as wide a range of destinations as possible. Tour operators and agencies can, however, choose to focus on a narrower segment (cruises, themed trips, club holidays, etc.) or area of expertise (a specific country or continent, for example) if they wish.

I would like information on my flight prior to departure. Who should I contact?

For all information on your flight, contact your travel agency or airline directly (you'll find contact details on their dedicated page).

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