Operations and customer relations

Our Operations roles see to every step in passengers’ journeys and process flights in coordination with all the Airport’s partners.

Operations and customer relations

Operational support

  • Research : planning the right resources and services for passengers, airlines and partners, and providing the right level of provision.
  • Scheduling and planning : scheduling and optimising the equipment and human resources required by companies and assistants to process their flights.

Managing resources and stopover passengers

  • Stopover management : using our HR capacity and Airport resources to organise the day-to-day running of our terminals and runways.
  • Coordination : deploying Airport resources on a daily basis to process passengers and flights in coordination with all our partners.
  • Reception and Information : listen to passengers’ questions and needs, and ensure their journeys (and the facilities they rely on) run smoothly.

Airport access

  • Access and car parking : organising, managing and ensuring the security of transport and flows of people and vehicles throughout the Airport grounds.


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