

Embark on a discovery of the Russian capital directly from Bordeaux.

5 good reasons to go to Moscow

The Kremlin, a fascinating place of power
The former tsarist residence and now the official residence of the president of the Russi Federation, the Kremlin overlooks Red Square from Borovitsky Hill. Once you have passed through its impressive enclosure, you can visit not only the five church museums of the building but also the Patriarch's palace. Unforgettable.
Red Square
The impressive Red Square
When you think of Moscow, it is the Red Square that immediately comes to mind. As a site like no other in the world, resounding with sobriety while at the same time twirling with colours, it merits the trip on its own. Not to be missed are the Cathedral of Basil the Blessed, a symbol of Russian architecture, as well as Lenin's mausoleum.
Gorky Park
A walk in Gorky Park
Whatever the season, Gorky Park is the ideal place to hone your senses. In winter, you can skate happily while admiring the frozen pools. On sunny days, you can cycle along the Moskova River, have a picnic or ride the Ferris wheel. A welcome stopover, in the heart of nature, where you can discover another side of Moscow.
The Seven Sisters
Meeting the Seven Sisters
Imagine seven Empire State Buildings and you will have an idea of what the Seven Sisters represent, those seven huge skyscrapers with Gothic architecture built under Stalin to mock New York. One of the many remnants of the Soviet Union that dot Moscow with their grandeur.
Moscow Metro
The metro, quite an experience!
Taking the metro in Moscow is like visiting a mini-museum. That's because every station has chandeliers, lush ornaments and marble pillars that make it a unique place. Above all, it is one of the deepest metros in Europe: Park Pobedy boasts the world's longest escalator at 126 metres. That's dizzying indeed!

Offres de vols aller-retour

To see / do

Culture and history

The rebirth of a cathedral

Moscow cathedral

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour has had a turbulent history: built in 1839, destroyed by Stalin in 1931, transformed into an open-air swimming pool, rebuilt and completed in 1997. White and gilded, its architecture impresses visitors with its solemnity, while its interior houses frescos representing the War of 1812 led by Napoleon I for visitors to admire.

Cold War Museum

Near Taganskaya Square there is a building with a commonplace architecture. Those appearances are false - it is actually Bunker 42, designed to be Moscow's communication headquarters in the event of a nuclear attack by the United States. There an elevator takes you 18 floors down into the depths of the city to discover the Cold War Museum... with a visit that will send shivers down your spine!

A cruise on the Moskva River

Moskva River

From Arbat Street—one of the oldest streets in the city and now one of the most lively by day and by night—you can board a cruise boat for a three-hour change of scenery along the Moskva River to see Moscow from a new angle. Great in any season, but it should be noted that atmosphere is truly magical in winter.


An evening at the Bolshoi


One of the most famous theatres in the world and one of the largest. If you can't attend a performance of one of its famous ballets, at least pay a visit to the building. You will discover the boxes of the tsars, the backstage area, the six levels of the auditorium decorated in purple and gilded with fine gold, as well as the royal foyer: the place where world leaders stay during intermission.

A hot chocolate at Café Pouchkine

A true Moscow culinary institution, Café Pouchkine is an exceptional place that seems to have remained untouched by the outside world. Here you can enjoy a creamy hot chocolate or have a taste of many Russian culinary delights. Most of all, this is a welcome break between two visits, imagining characters from Tolstoy or Chekhov who would come to your table to recount their romantic troubles. 


Borscht, an emblematic dish


You can't go to Moscow without a taste of borscht, a soup made from ham (or sausage), cabbage and beets. It is one of the specialities of Café Pouchkine but can be ordered in many traditional restaurants, such as Dacha Na Pokrovke, which resembles a manor house and where pies and an Olivier salad made with mayonnaise and vegetables are also served.

Tasty vareniki

There is nothing more typical than vareniki, Russian potato dumplings, which can be filled with savoury or sweet cheese, mushrooms, cabbage or bacon. Served with butter, crème fraîche and dill, they are even more delicious when fried. As a dessert, they are filled with cherry, chocolate or berries. What a treat!

Practical information

Flight duration


Time difference

+3h GMT




3417 km

Average temperature


13°C (max 20°C)


19°C (max 24°C)


5°C (max 16°C)


-8°C (max 1°C)

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