Flights and destinations
Not all airlines offer this. To find out, check each company's dedicated page.
Check our dedicated airline pages for more details.
You can view all our low-cost airlines by applying a filter to this list.
Traveling from Bordeaux airport
Each airline flies out of a pre-set terminal. You can find these details on the airline page.
Head over to our Today's Arrivals and Departures page for live flight information. In the event of air traffic disruption (snow, strikes, etc.), we recommend you contact the relevant airline directly.
Here you can find the complete list of direct flight destinations departing from Bordeaux. Each destination page provides detailed information to help you plan your trip, including practical flight details and a wealth of tourist tips about the destination.
If you purchased your ticket via our partner Option Way, available on our website, you can send your inquiries to and refer to their General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Legal Notice, and Privacy Policy. If you purchased your ticket through another channel, please contact your travel agency or airline directly. Useful contact numbers can be found on the airline information pages on our website. |
Travel agencies and Tour operators
There are three broad categories: production, distribution and incoming.
- Production is handled by tour operators (TOs), who design and develop packages or personalised trips for their clients.
- Distribution refers to selling flights or accommodation. This is done online or in agencies by TOs. These sales can be supplemented with extra add-on services (car hire, insurance, tours, etc.).
- Finally, incoming agencies are professionals who take care of visitors once they arrive at their destination. They develop sight-seeing packages, day trips and longer stays for travel agency clients. (Source:
Depending on what you need, you can contact your nearest travel agency or an online tour operator.
Our site gives you a list of tour operators working out of Bordeaux Airport.
Yes, some tourism professionals do specialise in a particular sector. Travel agencies aim to offer their clients as wide a range of destinations as possible. Tour operators and agencies can, however, choose to focus on a narrower segment (cruises, themed trips, club holidays, etc.) or area of expertise (a specific country or continent, for example) if they wish.
A tourism professional will ensure your stay takes place in the very best conditions. In unforeseen circumstances, they will always be on hand to help you out. If you have a particular set of needs, they will be able to offer you the best options to ensure you get the trip you had in mind.