
Improved access and parking

Passenger information

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Société Aéroport de Bordeaux-Mérignac is continuing the work on its program to improve parking and airport traffic.
Parking P2 stationnement

The "PARC EXPRESS" closed from July 22 to August 4, 2019
As part of the tramway arrival works, the Parc Express, located near Hall B, will be closed from 22 July to 4 August. Users will be guided and invited to park during this period in the P2 park (free of charge for 20 minutes). When reopened on August 5, the Parc Express will be accessible from its new entrance located upstream, with a traffic direction now reversed, promoting a more "natural" and fluid traffic at the entrance and exit.

The recommended access points for dropping off or picking up passengers are: P2 parks (free 20 minutes), P0, P4 (free airport shuttle), and Level 1 drop-off (road ramp).

Recommended itinerary from July 22nd

Increased control and awareness of parking rules
In order to facilitate traffic around air terminals, and in compliance with the enhanced Vigipirate system, the access improvement programme is accompanied by a public awareness campaign and a campaign to combat parking incivilities. Thus, control is reinforced on the airport site from July 2019, and parking may be subject to a ticket in the event of an infringement. This mission, delegated by the Prefecture of Gironde to the Société aéroportuaire following an oath procedure, should make it possible to facilitate access to the terminals. 

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